I sobbed my heart out this morning just worrying about what's going to happen if things don't get started soon. This is shit, so shit, because if I could be confident that I had a midwife who supported natural birth and believed in letting the body do its thing in all but really dangerous situations, I could relax and enjoy these last days and just enjoy nurturing my baby inside me. But because of the way the NHS works, I haven't got a clue if I will get any support, the likelihood is they will all be covering their arses by trying to get me into hospital/induced, and I have no choice (or continuity) whatsoever in who provides my care. This is crap.
And I have heartburn from the massive curry I ate last night in an attempt to get things going. Meh.

Oh well, here's a picture of me pulling the usual weird face, and baby belly on a walk along Woodhouse Ridge the other day. At least I can taker a few more pregnant photos in an attempt to get just one where I don't look completely bizarre and weird faced. Although it would probably take another 9 months to do that.
I am sorry your baby isn't here yet. Hopefully she will be on the move very quickly. First babies seem to always take their sweet time.
oh I hear you about the state funded midwife blues! Alice, the first daughter, was delivered in such an environment. We ended up in hospital, where I was met with a complete surprise: the midwife turned out to be a superior advocate, and confidently brushed all the fuss and bustle of hospital crisis mode away (except for the Pit drip) and got me out of there in a heartbeat.
We ended up making inevitable compromises, but were empowered in our choices nevertheless.
I wasn't a very clear primipara, and I understand the decision to go to hospital now, but at the time it ran smack dab up against my dognatic view of how a birth should be.
Be clear and yet flexible, get lots of rest and hydrate.
How exciting!
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