Wow, I'm in a state today. Just little things really, but they all pile up and then I become a crazy lady with super high blood pressure who screams and throws things and then feels shitty. My phone decided to stop working this morning, just wouldn't turn on, and I just about lost it. Actually, no just about about it, I utterly lost it, screamed a lot and threw it at the wall. Several times. Damn, I may have put baby off making an appearance, she won't want to meet her scary mama now... Anyway, it sounds like a little thing, but I don't have a landline, and being 40 weeks pregnant without any way of getting in touch with anyone other than going and finding them is a little unfortunate. But it's all sorted now, and I have a new one, and it's all good...but I could have done without the stress this morning. My blood pressure at my midwife's appointment was sky high, I had to lie down to get it anywhere near normal to stop them getting worried, and I still feel a leetle tense.
Anyway, the last 2 days have been nice, although I'm very very prone to emotional breakdowns at the moment. Mark had a couple of days off, and we did fun stuff, because we haven't had much of a chance at 'couple time', and there aint much longer left (I hope...feels like it could be forever at the moment!). Tuesday we went to York. York is so nice, and it was just good to be out of Leeds. We spent lots of money that we don't have on nice things that we don't really need, and frolicked in the pretty streets. And I bought lovely lovely yarn.

Mark looking shifty in pretty street.
We bought very very very tasty fudge. Oh my goodness it is good.
Took cheesy photos of ourselves.

And that was our very good day out. Very good. Then we had another nice day yesterday, went swimming which was fun (although I kept wondering if I'd notice if my waters broke in the pool...), and generally enjoyed ourselves. Now come and join the fun little one.... Please?
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