Well, I really thought being able to illustrate my posts would inspire me to blog more, but seemingly not. I have had lots of blog worthy happenings over the last couple of weeks, but no motivation to post about them whatsoever. So, here's some rushed catch up and pictures:
Firstly, my 'not a baby shower baby related gathering', which took place at my house last Saturday. Baby showers aren't common practice here, but I wanted to have some sort of pre baby gathering of girly friends, to eat yummy food and talk about babies and sort of celebrate the little life to be in a not too cheesy way. Especially since I am by far the first of my close friends to reproduce, so they are all very excited about it, and it has huge novelty value, which I don't think would be the case if I were in my late twenties/thirties and married! It was exactly what I wanted really, lovely girlieness, some really thoughtful presents, and lots of yummy food (mostly made by me over the preceeding three days, in a notasstressedasIusuallyamwhenpreparinglargeamountsoffood kind of state, although I did have a last minute big stress when I sent Kirsty and Hayley out to buy me chocolate. I am such a mardy crazy pregnant lady recently).
A few pics:

The spread. Let's see if I can remember what there was. Hmmm.....spinach and orzo salad, bulgar salad with roast veg and soy vinagrette, lemon and mint cous cous, walnut falafel, pine nut scones with pesto and roast veg topping, tapenade puff pastry swirls, puff pastry and roast veg squares, sos-rolls, guacamole, hummus (3 types-'plain', sundried tomato and roast pepper and avocado and lime), foccacia, baked tortillas, red onion and thyme tofu tart, zesty white bean pate, spicy red bean pate, baba ganoush style aubergine dip, sun dried tomato tapenade, sweet potato fries, paprika potato wedges and garlic bread. Think that's it (some isn't shown here). All made from scratch by me, all totally vegan. Bloody hell, I am mad aren't I?

Me enjoying the spread...

Lots of ladies squeezed into our little living room (it was exclusively female, not deliberately but that's how it happened. It scared me a little to be honest)

Happy ladies eating!
Happy Hayley and me!
It was a lovely evening, though I was totally knackered by the end. But I'm so glad I actually got round to doing it, would have been a shame not to do summat special. And my lovely friends did the washing up for me! Hooray!
Next day, we were intending to go for a daytrip to Hebden Bridge, but slept far too long for it to be worthwhile. So we pottered around instead, and repainted the damp damaged corner of the kitchen.

Gotta love the sexy mask. Was good to get it done, the flaky paint has been pissing me off since we moved in. We are a good decorating team, me and 'im.
It was a particularly good day of pottering, we pottered to the park to drop off the compost, then back via the fair that was just down the road all last week. I love fairs. I love fairground rides, although I scream myself silly on them. It was quite a torment, seeing the waltzers (my very favourite) and all the garish noisy so so fun looking rides. But Mark won a stuffed dog toy for the baby (well, me. And himself) on the basketball game, which was nice. Then we gorged ourselves on the left overs from the night before. With sweet chilli sauce

Bless him.
Tomorrow, I will post about our project from the weekend just gone, the amazing bedroom redecoration of joy. Oooh it's good.
Now, I will go and make myself some tasty food and drink raspberry leaf tea and ask the baby to come soon, please, because I'm getting impatient and achey. Although I still have one essay to write. Shiiiit.