Well, the robbery incident turned out better than expected, in that I have been reunited with my camera and phone, albeit after an exchange of a moderate amount of money...yes, thanks to a boyfriend with a good hardman act and a reasonable knowledge of the area's seedy underworld, and the incredible stupidity/guilt of the kids who robbed us (seriously, who steals a phone and then answers it?!), we managed to buy my things back. From a lad who said he bought them and then felt guilty after seeing the baby photos on the camera, and claimed he was selling them back at what he paid for them, although we have our suspicions that he did in fact steal them himself, and got a nice £45 for his troubles. But still, £45 is a lot less than we would have had to pay to replace them, and I am so grateful to have all my phone numbers back, because that would have been a tremedous pain in the arse to deal with. It was a weird little turn of events, but I guess it turned out as well as being robbed can do, really.

I'm horribly full of cold now, and Cara's little nose is pouring with snot. But this has not dampened her happiness at finally being able to crawl! On Friday, after so many months of looking like she was about to do it, she finally decided enough was enough and now she is unstoppable. I am really regretting how anxious I was about her being a late crawler-firstly because it was such a silly attitude to have when she is clearly developing perfectly, on her own timetable, and secondly because now I have a bazillion times more tidying up to do as she can throw everything everywhere, and very much enjoys doing so. It's lovely though.
I have been on a serious bread baking kick recently, mostly due to the fact that with Cara still being less than 12 months, we are trying to keep her salt intake as low as possible, and it's pretty much impossible to buy bread with no salt in it. And damn, she loves bread. But bread making can be really time consuming (I don't have a bread maker), and I'm often quite disapppointed with the finished result (my oven is really really crap). So I've been trying some easy, no knead, bread type recipes. This week I made oatmeal soda bread on Monday:

And yesterday, Pepper and Pesto Buns (with homemade vegan pesto!):
The soda bread is very good, although a little bit soggy (my fault), and the buns are fantastic, although I can barely taste them thanks to my cold. They were so easy to make, and yet they taste like a proper posh bread thing. Cara loves them with hummus (extra garlicky hummus). Err, if I were a real blogger I would now post the recipes here, but I really don't think that enough people read this for it to be worth doing that.
OK, I'm gonna go and make popcorn and watch Desperate Housewives now, my weekly Wednesday night ritual whilst Mark is at a band practice. I am becoming worrying addicted to popcorn. So cheap, so easy. so smothered with butter and salt. Mmmmmm. I love it.
One more photo, because I want to. Me and the lil'un snuggling on the sofa after her nap yesterday:
Look-she's a real person now! A bald person, but so much a person rather than a little baby. Awww.
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Umm...recipe for the pesto buns, please? This reader wants it!
Hi, I read (I come from Glitter). Glad you got your stuff back, and yes - pesto buns!
She's perfect!
I wish that the robbing had never occured but am so glad you got your stuff back. Your attitude about it is profound! I would have been so bitter about having to buy something that was mine TWICE!
I'm salivating over the pesto buns.
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