Cara's cold has been getting worse, and it is absolutely breaking my heart. She's still not horrendously unwell, or completely listless, but she is much grumpier and generally less spirited and outgoing than usual, as well as dripping with mucus from every orifice. She's waking up at all hours of the night crying her little eyes out and screaming with discomfort (she's also just cut her first tooth on top of it all, poor love), which has
never happened before. The broken sleep, the crying and the not being able to put her down I can live with, but the experience of seeing her feel unwell is just awful. This is her first proper illness of any sort (she got a bit of a sniffle around the time I had mastitis, which felt like the end of the world at the time but I was all kinds of delerious). I know we are blessed to have made it 7 months without experiencing any sort of baby illness, and of course I know that a cold is nothing in the grand scheme of illnesses, but not being able to just take away her discomfort is agonising. I feel so crappy when I've got a cold-and I know what's going on, and can moan about it to people, and take all sorts of chemical filled cold remedies. She doesn't know why she can't breathe through her nose any more (poor love can barely feed, it's awful), or why she keeps throwing up mucus, or that she will ever feel better than this.
I dread to think what I will be like if (well, when, it's an inevitability) she gets really ill, or injures herself. I just want to protect her from ever feeling anything unpleasant, and I know that that's stupid and impossible, but I can't help it. She is my perfect little person, and it's not right that anything less than perfect should ever happen to her.
Here's the little snot filled love:

(At least she's got cool legwarmers-I made these yesterday whilst Mark took her to the doctors, using my old socks and
this tutorial. I've made about 6 pairs now, they are incredibly useful for avoiding trouser putting on and taking off when in the house, or under trousers for outside, because trousers always ride up in slings. And they add a bit of much needed colour in this miserable winter)
We've finally got t'interweb fixed, so I'm in the process of putting all our Aussie pics on Flickr-there are a lot so it's taking a looooong time (I even upgraded to pro to fit them all on). Here's a Cara in Australia picture to contrast with the above misery:
Darn, can't resist so here's another:

(there is summat really weird going on with my cheekbone there. I am really not that gaunt...)
Oh, my happy little love. I am so desperate for her to be back to her sparkling, outgoing, slightly hyperactive and a little bit looney self once again.
1 comment:
So cool to see you using babywearing! I'm a bit of a lurker on glitter and noticed your recent pic you posted.
It's probably not news to you, but check out
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