Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Bleh. It gets worse. Went to the doctor yesterday, I've got a chest infection on top of my stinking cold and am now taking antibiotics, which make Cara even more grumpy than the vast amounts of snot in her nose. She is OK still, not properly ill although occasionally having screaming fits the like of which I've never ever heard since she was born. Calpol puts a stop to them though so I guess she's feeling a bit achy/feverish. My poor little bunny. Most of the time she's her usual happy self though, just with more snot, so I guess we're doing OK (thank you boob juice). Being this stinking ill with a grumpy poorly baby on top of it all SUCKS, and I am very close to the brink of nervous breakdown (have tipped over the brink a few times in the last few days but been dragged back). And just to make it even more fantastic, I have an exam this afternoon. Hoo-effing-ray, 2 hours of writing bullshit about Gadda's use of free indirect discourse, just the thing to make me feel fantastic. I have done very very little revision and it's all going to shit, basically. Never mind, I've submitted a medical note as evidence of mitigating circumstances so they will hopefully take that into consideration.

Oh, the beach seems such a long way away.

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