Cara is here, and she's unbelievably beautiful and perfect and little and lovely. Birth went fantastically well. Born in our bedroom at 12.15am Thursday 7th June, 7lb 12 oz, 4 hours active labour, 1 hour second stage, no pain relief or other intervention and I bloody loved it. Only crappy bit was having to go to hospital for stitches-but at least then I got to get utterly off my face on gas and air and be a little abusive to the obstetricians...
We are doing really well, she is super chilled out so far, sleeping a hell of a lot, gradually getting the hang of breastfeeding and doing big luminous poos (only one of which has made me physically retch and run out of the bathroom leaving her to Mark..). We can't believe how beautiful she is, and spend far too much time just looking at her and kissing her and holding her and playing with her GIANT feet.
Am trying to get round to writing a proper birth story, may be a while as I am annoyingly wordy and also preoccupied....
1 comment:
what a face! congratulations!
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