Ooooh yeah, I bought a digital camera! Very exciting. I realised that I have never in my life bought a single item (not a flight or other journey) worth more than about fifty quid, until today! It was 'only' £99.99, which I know to most people isn't a huge deal, but it is to me! I just don't have expensive things, it's not normally worth it, as I tend to lose and break most stuff that comes my way... My laptop is my only posession of any real monetary value, a very rare and unexpected present from my parents. And now I have something else to be paranoid about losing or having stolen or somehow destroying. But it takes pictures! And I can see them straight away! And I can put them on t'internet! Look!:

Yes, it is me! Of course, what else would me first photos be of! Ahh the vanity. Anyway, I hope to fill this blog and the internet at large with pretty pictures of the bambina. Plus crafts and cooking and general prettiness and excitement. Blogs are basically crap without pictures (unless you are a super brilliant writer, and I am not), so I feel that now I will be a lot more inspired to keep it up.
Oooh, better get off to bed really. Was out until after 10 (ohgoodnessme!) at a NCT breastfeeding class, which was fun. Got to play with dolls (which my little one tried vehemently to kick off my tummy-jealous, methinks!), and talk about boobs a lot. BOOBS! Aren't they bloody brilliant! Fucking clever that breastmilk shit.

Yeah, I'm knackered and delirious now. I leave you with this beautiful, very pregnant self timer picture, showing off to great effect our electric radiator....
Hey! It's Kneesocky! from g*! I'm delurking to say that I think you'll be a fine mother! And that I like reading your blog!
Another g*girl say you make a cute pregnant girl and will be a great mama!
Be sure to print that belly shot out for your baby book.
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